Officially 21 years old (27th Oct). Yeay and alhamdulillah. Balik Sungai Petani lepas ja office hour, naik bas sebab aku tak dibenarkan drive balik malam. Sampai2, of course tidoq. Bahahahaha. Bukak-bukak mata, (sis terbangun lewat. Hehe)
So, this is my lunch on my birthday. Haaaaa ketam kau. Sekoq kot. Puaih dapat makan. Sumpah sedap. Urghhhh. Nak lagi. Ketam sweet sour. Isi penuh kot.
Malam pulak,dapat makan Chicken Chop. Hehe. As requested by the birthday girl. Muahahahaha. Chicken chop hotmas terbaik!!!
And this one, a homemade birthday cake for birthday girl made by birthday girl’s mom. Mau tak gemok kalau macam ni punya gaya. Muahahaha. Tapi serius, hujung tahun ni, aku nak culik semua resepi mama and buat. Practice jadi bini la ni konon.
On the next day, hantaq budak ni balik MRSM PDRM dia tu. Hurmm. Dah form 2 pon manja lagi. Gedik.
Tapi, before that, kita makan dulu. Hehe. Mee tarik. Yummm. The best.
On the next day, I celebrated my cukup umur with this charming guy. Heeee. Bagi aku, dia masuk dalam category a considerate guy la sebab dia bagi chance kat aku spend masa banyak-banyak dengan family and kami spend sama-sama masa hari Ahad. Ahad kan sekolah. So, mama abah keja. Saya ? Keluar la. Oh btw, abah bagi izin ok. Bukan aku keluaq senyap-senyap. Dia tak tamak. Dia selalu make sure aku priotize mama abah before him. My husband material 😍.
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Kami kan jarang jumpa and kind of hantu wayang. So, sekali tengok, hehe. |
Next, makan. Since aku still nak makan chicken chop, so, again at Hotmas. Hehe. And being treated like a princess by this guy. Awhhhh. Dia tak sweet through words because he likes to bully me a lot. Seriously a lot. Dari dulu sampai sekarang. Tapi, the way dia layan aku, the way he look at me, to be honest, I am totally fall for this guy.
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I dont know why did he said that I'm too pretty too cute and bla bla yang sama waktu dengannya because I was totally selekeh on that day. Serius. |
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This bulu-bulu thing, I named him ‘Ayed’. Sebab? Bye. Rak lu. Pape roger. |