Hi peps. Since that one guy still enjoying his 'sleeping beauty' moment and twitter is no fun anymore because you can't tweet anything that running inside your mind, so here I am. Membalut ketupat. Bahahahaha.
So, update from last case about my housemates, they decided to move out and Sri Kembangan which they believed their rent has become more cheaper compared to current house and it has nice environment because it has everything that they want except TV. Hurm okay. To be honest la kan, I do admit that this house is quite panas, tilam pon murah which makes you sakit belakang. But for me, alhamdulillah at least I have a place to stay safe and sleep soundly. Maybe because my parents always taught me to appreciate everything that you have eventhough you might not like it at all and reasons why this house was chosen was because the one who posted about the house contacted me earlier and luckily the rent is below RM300. I can afford paying the rent for RM300 but the other girl (I named her S) don't want to burden her parents to pay the rent for her. Ok then. So, we agreed to stay at that house with another girl (I named her J).
No one was able to at least go and have a proper look at the house. So, just redha. During their stay at this house, they complained almost everything. As the founder of the house (ceewaaahhhh), of course I do feel kecik hati because I can't make everyone happy with my choice.
When they are taking me lightly as if I am their kuli because I will wait for them to bersiap and such, kemas all their sampah and rambut (sometimes they did kemas also but sometimessssss). The kitchen. The left over food. Astaghfirullahal'azim. The common sense, woman. Where are your common sense? You left the food for days or maybe weeks, and when you want to use it, then only you wash them. How about the people who wants to use it next? I borrowed their rice cooker because I dont have one and i thought that it was unnecessary for me to bring another rice cooker as it will consume some space which makes it look berselerak. So, I borrowed. I cooked my rice. I cleaned it after use. Adat tumpang barang orang la kan. Ok la fine la. Harta diorang. Tapi dapur sepah la.
So, bila aku mengamuk, mogok diam, tweet marah2 kat twitter and such, bla bla bla. Next November, they'll moving out. Alhamdulillah. I don't have to put my poker face everytime I have to face them and the best thing is I can have the room just like I want. If bersepah or rambut berterabur, then it is my fault. Tapi selalunya, aku jarang biar benda-benda macam tu jadi sebab kalau kat rumah, tobat kena tempik dah ngan mama. I can have my time cuddling (on the phone) with my baby. Teeheee. I don't have the semak-semak feeling lepas balik kerja.
Well. I'm not interested with you guys anymore since you guys were taking me lightly. So, alhamdulillah for everything. I just want to focus on my family, my future and my little circle of true friends.
P/s : why suddenly I wrote in English? I know I'm not really fluent in English, but at least I'm quite good writing in English. Lama tak asah. Beku dah sikit. Btw, saja fefiling ala-ala Vivy Yusof / Maria Elena. Teheeee.
Well. I'm not interested with you guys anymore since you guys were taking me lightly. So, alhamdulillah for everything. I just want to focus on my family, my future and my little circle of true friends.
P/s : why suddenly I wrote in English? I know I'm not really fluent in English, but at least I'm quite good writing in English. Lama tak asah. Beku dah sikit. Btw, saja fefiling ala-ala Vivy Yusof / Maria Elena. Teheeee.